
A day's worth of data. Positions and spiking waveforms of neurons recorded in prefrontal cortex.

Sharpened neuropixel probe under the light microscope.

Model of working memory dynamics from Panichello, dePasquale, Pillow, and Buschman (2019). Color memories (traces) drift over time towards stable attractor states (converging arrows).

3D printed grid system for guide tube insertion.

Visual abstract of Panichello & Buschman (2021). We found (among other things) that color memories were coded using orthogonal patterns of neural activity (glass panes) which allows individual memories to be read out without interference (spotlight projections).

Lighthearted preparation for making the visual abstract in blender (thanks @blenderGuru).

Hand-built tungsten electrode array, allowing recording from up to 80 sites within a 2 cm diameter area.

My first electrode array. 3 tungsten electrodes glued together, sheathed in polyamide tubing for sturdiness.

Blair Arch, PU interview weekend, 2012.